Kaffee Details
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Hier sind Ihre gewünschten Informationen über die Investitionsmöglichkeit
in Kaffee-Parzellen in Panama!
Deutsche Informationen:
Englische Informationen:
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Kauf von ½ Acre Parzelle einer Kaffee-Farm
Seit 2014 hat International Coffee Farms 12 Kaffee-Farmen in Panama aufgebaut
Hat alles in seiner Hand, von der Jungpflanze bis zur gerösteten Kaffeebohne
Fokussiert auf Speciality Coffee
Gibt 20% der Rendite in den Sozialfonds zum Aufbau von Sozial-einrichtungen für die Arbeiterfamilien (Häuser, Schulen, Ausbildung, …)
20+ Jahre
Mindestens 5 Jahre
Kaffeebäume haben eine Lebensdauer von 22 bis 25 Jahren, danach können sie zurückgeschnitten werden und leben nochmals 2 weitere Lebenszyklen, anschliessend werden Jungpflanzen gepflanzt, welche die Bäume ersetzen werden
ROI / Rendite
Durchschnittlich über 10% / Jahr, je nach Alter der Kaffeebäume
Bei Neupflanzungen gibt es die ersten rund 3 Jahre keine Rendite (da keine Ernte), dann steigend von 7% bis 35%
US$ 18'000 plus 5% Verschreibungskosten (US$ 900)
Eigentümerschaft kann auf 2 Personen aufgeteilt werden
(Cashflow Coaching kann interessierte Parteien vernetzen)
CHF 2'000 für VIP Cashflow Programm
Rabatt von 5% resp. 10% wenn über Cashflow Coaching gesamthaft
3 resp. 6 Parzellen verkauft werden
Investor wird als Eigentümer im Grundbuch eingetragen
Erfahrung des Anbieters seit 2014
Field Trips möglich
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Kein Angebot, Haftungsausschluss
Alle zur Verfügung gestellten Informationen, einschliesslich aller Finanzinformationen, werden zu blossen Informationszwecken zur Verfügung gestellt und stellen weder eine Investitionsempfehlung, noch ein Angebot noch eine Aufforderung zum Kauf, Halten oder Verkauf jeglicher Finanz- bzw. Anlageprodukte dar. Sie stellen keine Anlage-, Rechts-, Steuer- und/oder anderweitige Beratung dar.
Insbesondere gibt eine vorangegangene Performance weder einen Hinweis auf noch eine Gewähr für die zukünftige Entwicklung. Es gibt weder eine stillschweigende noch eine ausdrückliche Garantie für die künftige Entwicklung der Performance. Anlagen in Fremdwährungen unterliegen zusätzlich auch Währungsschwankungen. Zudem geben Prognosen keine zuverlässigen Anhaltspunkte für die zukünftige Entwicklung.
Cashflow Coaching haftet weder dafür, dass die enthaltenen Informationen vollständig und richtig sind, noch für Schäden von Handlungen, die aufgrund von Informationen vorgenommen werden, die in dieser oder einer anderen Publikation von Cashflow Coaching enthalten sind.
Sämtliche Angaben richten sich ausschliesslich an qualifizierte Anleger.
Interessenten sollten sich von einer qualifizierten Fachperson beraten lassen, bevor sie Anlageentscheidungen treffen.
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LegacyBuilders Global Investors Club Platinum
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Webseite Panama Coffee Investement Tour
Newsletter vom 24.08.2019
When you invest in a turnkey managed, passive income generating farm, you do so because you don’t really want to get your hands dirty.
You let your money work for you. Not the other way around. Smart!
But, someone has to get their hands dirty to turn around these old farms and plant the new farms from scratch.
Luckily for you,..that’s our job!
Just the other day we received “messages from the field” (sorry Simon Black) with updates from our workers on the ground in both Panama and Belize, sending us photos of the 2 teams hard at work building the road (really pathways) to the farms.
In Panama, when you hear us saying we acquired multiple, high altitude, virgin farms, you probably don’t understand the work that goes into making these farms accessible to plant and operate.
Here you will see our team of full time International Coffee Farms (ICFC) workers and some additional temporary workers, hard at work literally cutting a pathway into the side of the mountain.
All in preparation to transport 77,000 coffee saplings of up to 7 different varietals, up to 1,800 meters (5,900 feet) above sea level and to plant out our newest farm.
So, the idea of this quick email is to show you some of the real, hard, sweaty and dirty work that goes on here in Panama and in Belize, on a daily basis.
Turn-key passive investment is easy to say…it takes hard work to deliver!
Want to see it for yourself?
Come to Panama on November 15th to 17th for our Final Group Coffee Farm Tour of 2019.
Click here to learn more and sign up!
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October 2020
9 Tons of Coffee Sold in A Week!
It’s 5 am and our Panama team are all logging onto a video conference call with our Team in Japan, where it is 8pm on a Friday evening. We were also joined by our Chocolate Maker Team in Switzerland, Werner and Mitsue.
A few months ago, we shipped our first container of coffee, 9 metric tons, to our new partners in Japan, for them to market, sell and distribute locally.
Samples had been supplied and distributed in the months prior and the response from the consumers was extremely positive. At that time they indicated to our Team that they were very interested in testing (cupping) the coffee on arrival.
The container took 45 days to arrive in Japan, and a few weeks to clear customs, so this week was their first opportunity to access and provide the actual coffee to their prospects.
The purpose of the video call was for an update on proceedings.
And what an update it was. The entire 9 tons was sold in just 6 days!
So now, the purpose of the call switched, to how soon we could get them more coffee.
As a result of the immediate response by our prospects, our coffee team in Boquete have already begun processing and vacuum packing another 15 tons of green coffee, to be shipped out to Japan in about 3 weeks time.
The Japanese consumers are extremely impressed with the quality and consistency of our coffee and talks are already underway to provide our projected production, by farm and varietal, for the next 8 years!
This relationship is 2 years and several trips to Japan in the making, but we were confident that our coffee quality and the Japanese Team’s experience in the coffee and distribution industry, was a winning combination.
Now for even more good news!
Not only are they interested in securing a long-term supply of our Specialty Coffee from Panama, they are equally interested in representing our fine-flavor Specialty Chocolate from Belize as well!
We had provided samples of our chocolate bar line (6 different bars) to the Japanese Team during our visits and as we speak, boxes of this full range of Belizean chocolate bars are being shipped to Japan to be distributed as samples to their network of clients.
Japanese spend at least 5x more than Americans per person for food products.
Japan has a population of 126 million people who spend up to an astronomical 25.8% of their disposable income on food products. In contrast, the USA spends approx. 4.9%.
Add to this their desire for only the highest quality products and willingness to pay some of the highest prices in the world for coffee and chocolate, and you can see why we are targeting Japan as a major thrust in our product distribution planning. And, why we are so excited about the budding relationship that is now starting to bear fruit.
As a matter of fact, speaking of fruit, on one of our last marketing trips we saw melons for sale in a department store grocery for $200 each.
Stay tuned for more exciting news over the coming weeks, months and years![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=“1/6″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=“1/6″][/vc_column][vc_column width=“2/3″][vc_column_text]
September 2020
Planting Season is Here Again!
In agriculture, everything moves in cycles.
Now with rainy season approaching full flow, our coffee farming team in Boquete, Panama is getting ready to plant another 107,280 saplings throughout our network of 12 specialty coffee farms!
The majority of these saplings (79,992 to be exact) will go into the “raw land” farms in the Jaramillo region with the balance going into the already planted farms as part of a steady crop rotation, regeneration and strategic farm management program.
A critical part of the planting process is the nursery.
In our formative years we acquired saplings from trusted, local providers.
Then, over the years we developed our own on-site proprietary nursery, on Finca Cuatro Caminos, which was home to 80,000 saplings last year!
This year, in the next stage of our continuous development, we have created satellite nurseries in the Jaramillo and Horqueta regions. This allows us to grow the saplings in the same micro-climate in which they will be planted and cuts down the transportation between farms.
Apart from the financial cost of moving the saplings, we also reduce the risk of our “babies” being damaged during transportation from farm to farm on bumpy mountain roads.
And, this year we also implemented a whole new environmentally friendly, bio-degradable nursery system that you can read about in or recent report “Implementing New Technology in our Coffee Nursery”
Our Team has to analyze first, the market. What are the most in-demand and consistently required varietals in the market today?
And, what will be the most in-demand varietals in 3 to 5 years from now, when the new farms reach production.
Then, what are the varietals that are best suited to the micro-climates and growing conditions, specific to our farms?
Where those circles overlap is our chosen few!
These consist of Caturra, Catuai, Typica, Bourbon, Pacamara, Pache, Harar and the world-famous Geisha.
Each farm has been evaluated and a planting system has been engineered to plant micro-lots of these varietals in the optimal location on each farm.
If you acquired a coffee farm parcel in the last 2 years, then this Jaramillo region is where your very own piece of a high-altitude specialty coffee farm is located!
The altitude on these farms in Jaramillo ranges from 1,600 to 2,000 meters (6,500 feet) above sea-level. (The highest in our portfolio)
In specialty coffee there is a direct correlation between Altitude and Quality.
The higher the Altitude = the better the Quality.
So, we are really excited about the coffee that will come from these farms.
As the saying goes.. “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is today!”
We congratulate all 400+ of our existing parcel owners for having the foresight to add specialty coffee farmland to their portfolio over the last 6 years.
If you wish to join them and participate in the future success of these high-altitude specialty coffee farms, reserve your parcel, today![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=“1/6″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row us_shape=“wave“ us_shape_color=“#f9a02c“][vc_column width=“1/6″][/vc_column][vc_column width=“2/3″][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=“1/6″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=“1/6″][/vc_column][vc_column width=“2/3″][vc_column_text]
July 2020
We built our companies on 3 Pillars of Sustainability.
These are not just buzzwords or marketing terms; we live our day to day lives by them.
We ensure that everything we do makes our group of companies Economically Sustainable…for our clients, our team and ourselves.
We are also Environmentally Sustainable…leaving our farms, our land, our little piece of the world in a better way than how we found it.
And we are Socially Sustainable. Making sure that we take care of our people and our community.
Now, more than ever, is when our socially sustainable programs are needed and are taking effect.
We enroll every farm worker in social security, which is not normal practice in Latin America, so they and their families have full medical coverage and all the other benefits. Should they need it.
We have not furloughed a single farmer (from our team of 44) and have no intention of doing so. These honest, hardworking people have no control over their destiny and depend on us, so we need to ensure that they are taken care of.
We have a saying….“ Happy Farmers = Happy Coffee and Chocolate“
All of our farmers remain on full pay and benefits, have received health and hygiene training and supplies and thankfully to this day are all healthy and well.
Outside of our farm workers we are supporting 30 very poor local families, which when combined adds up to over 150 people, through a local charity we are funding to supply food and basic necessities.
For the rest of our team outside of the farms, we provide numerous benefits including regular free English training classes, virtual book clubs and even an exercise trainer is available.
In Belize, through our Cayo Grande Island and Squirrel Caye Island projects, we are teaming up with RE/MAX Belize to feed the local community.
RE/MAX Belize have been raising funds, working with distributors and so far, delivered 10 tons of rice and beans, along with other food supplies, through the local church.
We are happy to do our part and provide funding to assist in Belize and Panama.
So, if you are a coffee farm parcel Owner in Panama, a Cacao farm parcel Owner in Belize or a Unit Owner in Cayo Grande, Squirrel Caye or Peini Cacao Plantation LLC, you can be proud that your investment is directly helping the people most in need in our communities.
For that, we thank you.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=“1/6″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row us_shape=“wave“ us_shape_color=“#f9a02c“][vc_column width=“1/6″][/vc_column][vc_column width=“2/3″][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=“1/6″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=“1/6″][/vc_column][vc_column width=“2/3″][vc_column_text]
June 2020
Implementing New Technology in our Coffee Nursery
By Valentina Pedrotti, Biologist & Value Chain Analyst
Building a coffee nursery is probably one of the most important activities a coffee farm needs to develop. This allows us to:
1. Be certain of the quality of the seed, its origin, its varietal and its early treatments among many other important details.
2. Manage the root systems of each plant from the very early beginning of seedling development
3. Manage the early nutrition of the seedlings.
Traditional nursery bags.
Traditional nursery systems use polythene bags. Once the seedlings are transplanted in the field, farmers end up with lots of plastic bags that cannot be re-used, neither recycled.
Besides, one of the limitations of this system is the high possibility to restrict root growth and later cause root damage and transplanting shock. As a result, the roots ability to absorb water and minerals is affected.
So far, at International Coffee Farms we have implemented the traditional systems, taking care as much as we could to reduce any potential root damage. However, during this new cycle, we decided to implement a new technology that could reduce most of the risks we have faced so far, and in parallel, combat the plastics waste issue.
We started to plant our seeds in bio-degradable pellets!
These pellets are a medium and container in a single package, composed of Canadian peat and a permeable net that allows excellent root development and reduces stress in the early stages of cultivation. These units are directly transplanted in the farms where they decompose very quickly and do not restrict root proliferation.
With this new system we also seek to optimize the resources we use in terms of labor, transportation, fertilizer, space and water consumption.
Lines of pellets at Horqueta 1 Farm
There is a delicate work behind the pellet nursery system installation.
1. Pellet hydration:
The pellets are placed in a tank that holds water, enough to cover them. After 15-20 minutes the peat pellet has absorbed enough water. As a result, the pellets increase in size.
Hydrating the pellets.
Hydrating the pellets.
Water tanks with pellets
Water tanks with pellets
Pellets before and after hydration process.
Line of pellets.
Workers putting together all the pellets in the trays.
2. Placement of the pellets in a flat area:
After each pellet has been hydrated, they are placed on trays, carefully designed to hold them. Due to their smaller size compared to regular polyethylene bags, we can save almost 50% of the space we required before.
Pellets with the new seedlings.
Besides implementing this new technology, we also redesigned the physical location of the nurseries. Instead of having one large centralized nursery, we are creating small nurseries on or near to the farms that require planting. This allows us to improve the transportation process and reduces the possibility of causing any damage to the plants.
Over the coming months we will bring you progress reports as we begin the planting season.
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April 2020
Proud to Host our 1st International Coffee Education Event
By Valentina Pedrotti, Biologist and Value Chain Analyst
From the very beginning, International Coffee Farms (ICFC) has established as a priority managing each of our projects under a scientific approach and implementing cutting edge technology available on the market.
This of course requires constant training and educating our team on current topics. We believe that part of the knowledge required to be a leading company comes from our staff's experience, but also by exchanging knowledge and experiences with other colleagues in the field.
Putting into practice our philosophy, in 2020 we started to host and promote educational events that allow us to create a strong network with other coffee colleagues throughout the World. We believe that: Sharing knowledge is the best way to keep the industry alive and aligned with the market requirements!
On this occasion, International Coffee Farms, and Cafeología, a Mexican company focused on research, education, and development in the specialty coffee sector (http://www.cafeologo.com/), organized its first Origin Trip to Boquete, Panama. Our main goal was to create an educational tour with coffee experts from all over Latin America, in order to exchange knowledge, cutting-edge technology and new coffee market trends.
Our tour started at our coffee shop, The Perfect Pair, where all the group had the opportunity to get to know each other and explain their backgrounds within the coffee industry. We had the great pleasure of having a large group of experts from Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia and Guatemala all from different backgrounds.
We had agronomists, CEOs, baristas, technicians, and producers, among many other background. As part of the group, we had representatives of El Injerto Guatemala, Cafeología, Produtores de café La Isla, Costa Rica, among many others.
During this educational event, we hosted different activities that allowed us to share our experiences and find different approaches or solutions to problems we, as an industry, face daily.
Andres Lopez, our General Manager, gave a presentation of our company, emphasizing our mission and vision as a sustainable, high-quality coffee company.
Together, we visited our farms and mill, where we also had the opportunity to cup our brand new 2019-2020 coffees. A similar tour to what we do with our investors, but on this occasion, we had coffee experts on the other side.
It is always an enriching experience to discuss and share with colleagues from the same field. The Specialty Coffee industry is going through a new phase and having these exchanges give us a glimpse of what is happening in other producing countries and how are they facing it.
Panama is considered to be a leading example of a coffee producing country. Therefore, we need to keep doing what we are doing: producing high-quality coffee using the best technology and processing methods.
As part of the program, we also had the opportunity to share with other coffee producers of Boquete. An important activity that strengthens the coffee community and our relations with other coffee producers in the area.
We believe that coffee producers of Boquete need to stay united and work together for the common good of the business. These kinds of activities are, therefore, necessary and very enriching to achieve this goal.
After 3 days sharing experiences, knowledge and creating a strong network of coffee producers of the region, we reconfirm that activities of this nature are not only rewarding but necessary.
At ICFC, we are looking forward to promoting and continuing to develope these activities with the coffee community.
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Oktober 2019
INCREASING RECOGNITION FOR ICFC AND OUR COFFEEIn today’s world with so much choice and so many options available to the consumer with the internet putting goods from around the globe at your fingertips, it’s not enough to have a quality product. Your brand needs to be recognized.
If you have the best coffee in the world but no one knows who you are, you won’t receive any return on the effort made to develop that coffee product.
Recently we told you about a Thai barista who selected Geisha coffee from one of our farms, Loma de Los Cedros, and entered it into a national coffee championship in Thailand. And won a silver medal!
Now 9 specialty coffee roasters in Thailand have requested and received samples of our coffee.
Closer to home, we are very proud to have been featured on Panama national television in a documentary called Rutas y Colores de Panama – El mejor café del mundo (Routes and Colors of Panama – the best coffee in the world).
The documentary was created by Articruz Media and shot mostly on our farms and facilities in Boquete.
This excellent video showcases how special Specialty Coffee in Boquete Panamá truly is.
It featured the Lamastus family, who hold the world record for the highest cupping score received for coffee and the world record price. Having sold some micro-lots of their Geisha for $1,029 a lb.
Also featured was 90 Plus Coffee. Another famous Panamanian coffee producer and roaster who sold a prototype of its Geisha in Dubai, for a world record price of USD $10,000 per kilogram.
The other company chosen to be featured in the video, was proudly International Coffee Farms (ICFC).
Quite the select group to be included in!
Although we are relatively new in comparison to the members of this group who are usually multi-generational producers, ICFC is becoming increasingly recognized by the national and international coffee community.
Recognized for our good farming practices, for our socially sustainable programs and contributions to the community, for our Team & state-of-the-art coffee processing facilities and the implementation of our “Art of Coffee Science” and of course, for having excellent specialty coffee.
So, we are very proud and pleased to share this video with you. Currently only in Spanish! But we are working with the TV company for permission to add subtitles.
If you do not speak Spanish, don’t worry, you can still enjoy the video (with a cameo from David Sewell in English!)
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Oktober 2019
It’s that time of year again!
We just sent out our 4th consecutive annual coffee farm parcel Owners report and our 4th consecutive annual distribution.
With steady progress being made on and off the farm, those parcel Owners in our first group of Producing farms, are now seeing a nice, healthy 7% to 9.5% return this year, depending on their purchase price.
And we have a lot of growing still to do, so lots of upside potential.
As the annual report is long, there is a lot to cover.
To help reduce the reading and writing and give a clearer insight into this year’s events, we have added a video section to the full report.
The written report is “for Owners eyes only” but we are happy to share with you the excellent video that was put together by our team in Panama.
The idea behind the video is to allow you to hear from Andres Lopez, Valentine Pedrotti and other members of our ICFC farm management team, that you do not hear from on a regular basis.
Click Here to Watch the Full Video
Some highlights from the report
• Achieved a weighted average sales price for our coffee of $5.45 a lb. (versus the proforma $4.58 and versus the commercial consumer-market rate of $0.95)
• Received average prices of up to $36/lb for our Geisha and $10/lb for our new proprietary Natural processed green coffee.
• We have had 61 Native Indian kids in school through our ICFC Scholar program.
• Designed and built housing on finca Horqueta 1, complete with electricity, running water and gas stoves, for our farm workers and their families.
• Improved road access to all our farms including brand new 2 km (1.2 miles) “road” cut into the side of the mountain to access the Jaramillo cluster of 5 farms.
• The level of defects in our 2018/19 harvest has been reduced from an extraordinarily high, one-time start-up of 30% in 2016/17 to 14% in 2017/18 and now to an industry acceptable level of 10% this year. Keep in mind that all specialty green coffee that is exported is hand-sorted to a zero-defect level. And we even make money on the defects.
• Planted an additional 50,000 saplings of the most in demand varietals throughout our 11 specialty coffee farms, taking our total to 315,000 trees
We really hope you enjoy watching the report as much as we enjoyed making it. There is so much going on day in, day out as we develop the farms, grow the company, continue to build and train the team and now, start to build our green coffee distribution.
There are some truly exciting times just around the corner and we invite you to reserve your parcels now and come along for the ride.
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Oktober 2019
Last week our VP of Agriculture, Mr. Andres Lopez, took me to the top of the Jaramillo cluster of 5 farms.
When I was there last year it was a tough, 2 hour long hike (and sometimes a crawl!) but this year I was extremely pleased when we were able to walk to the highest point in around 30 minutes using the brand new roads that the ICFC team have cut into the side of the mountain over the last few months.
From the highest point, at 2,000 meters above sea level (6,560 feet) we could see all 5 farms in this region. A total of 93 hectares (232.5 acres).
Most of which has now been fully planted, with the remainder set to be completed by the end of this year.
For those of you who acquired parcels in the last 2 years, this is where your parcels are located, and you can be extremely proud of the work the team has put in on your behalf.
They have maintained the virgin nature of the forest while carefully engineering a specialty coffee farm with brand new road access.
These high-altitude farms now contain thousands of saplings of the most in-demand varietals in the market today. Namely Caturra, Catuai, Typica, Bourbon, Pacamara and of course, the word famous Geisha.
Your “raw land” is now an operating coffee farm and you can tell your family and friends that you truly do own a piece of a Specialty Coffee Farm in Boquete, Panama!
For those of you who have been following our progress, there are still some parcels left in these farms.
The $18,000 price remains the same for you, for now, even though a lot of the work has been done already to create the access, improve the soil, manage the shade and plant these farms.
By the end of the year these farms will be fully developed and one year closer to production.
So, to reflect the value added by this work, any remaining parcels at that time may be subject to a price increase.
Good news for you existing Owners, at that time you will see an increase in the market value of your parcels!
For those of you who are still watching and waiting, now may be the time to get started.
For those of you who are Owners, it is definitely time to add to your existing parcel portfolio before this planned price increase comes into effect.
Let me know your level of interest by email or schedule a call HERE.
We look forward to having you on board!
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Oktober 2019
In Thailand, Mr. Warong, a Barista from Nanna Coffee Roasters, chose a micro-lot of our ICFC Geisha to use as his entry for the National Syphon Championships 2019.
He gave a detailed explanation about our farms, our social programs and of course the flavor profile of our Geisha to a large international audience…and prepared our coffee for the judges to evaluate.
We were very proud to hear that he claimed Second Place and will move on to the International stage of the competition.
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August 2019
There are 30 x 0.5-acre parcels available in our 12th and most recently acquired high-altitude coffee farm in Panama.
Low entry level $18,000. Average annual return 12%. Slow build up….legacy investment. You should never want to sell this land.
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