Orangen Details

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Hier sind Ihre gewünschten Informationen über die Investitionsmöglichkeit
in Orangen-Parzellen in Paraguay!


Deutsche Informationen:

Orangen in Paraguay

FAQ Orangen in Paraguay


Englische Informationen:

Oranges in Paraguay

FAQ Oranges in Paraguay english

Video Paraguay Today – Land of Opportunity

Insurance Coverage for Plantations and Greenhouses

Oranges Video english


Paraguay AG Invest Webseite


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Kauf von ½ Lot einer Orangen-Plantage


Anbieter ist seit 1995 in der Landwirtschaft in Paraguay tätig
Management Company, die das Grundstück zur Erzeugung von Cashflow bearbeitet

25+ Jahre
Die Orangen-Bäume werden nach einer Lebensdauer von 25 Jahren weniger ertragreich und damit weniger rentabel.
Aus diesem Grund werden sie als Brennholz verkauft, um Platz für neue Bäume oder andere Nutzungen zu schaffen.

ROI / Rendite
Durchschnittlich über 21% / Jahr, je nach Alter der Orangen-Bäume
Die erste Auszahlung erfolgt im 3. Jahr
Der jährliche Nettogewinn liegt zwischen $2'133 bis $5'628 pro ½ Lot, je nach Alter der Bäume

US$ 18'500 für ½ Lot / US$ 35'000 für 1 Lot
CHF 2'000 für VIP Cashflow Programm

Investor besitzt ein notariell beurkundetes und eingetragenes Grundstück
Erfahrung des Unternehmens in der Landwirtschaft seit 1995
Field Trips zu den Plantagen möglich

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Kein Angebot, Haftungsausschluss

Alle zur Verfügung gestellten Informationen, einschliesslich aller Finanzinformationen, werden zu blossen Informationszwecken zur Verfügung gestellt und stellen weder eine Investitionsempfehlung, noch ein Angebot noch eine Aufforderung zum Kauf, Halten oder Verkauf jeglicher Finanz- bzw. Anlageprodukte dar. Sie stellen keine Anlage-, Rechts-, Steuer- und/oder anderweitige Beratung dar.

Insbesondere gibt eine vorangegangene Performance weder einen Hinweis auf noch eine Gewähr für die zukünftige Entwicklung. Es gibt weder eine stillschweigende noch eine ausdrückliche Garantie für die künftige Entwicklung der Performance. Anlagen in Fremdwährungen unterliegen zusätzlich auch Währungsschwankungen. Zudem geben Prognosen keine zuverlässigen Anhaltspunkte für die zukünftige Entwicklung.

Cashflow Coaching haftet weder dafür, dass die enthaltenen Informationen vollständig und richtig sind, noch für Schäden von Handlungen, die aufgrund von Informationen vorgenommen werden, die in dieser oder einer anderen Publikation von Cashflow Coaching enthalten sind.

Sämtliche Angaben richten sich ausschliesslich an qualifizierte Anleger.

Interessenten sollten sich von einer qualifizierten Fachperson beraten lassen, bevor sie Anlageentscheidungen treffen.

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Paraguay Farm Tour Pictures 2020

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aktuellste News / Newsletter

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Oktober 2020

Introducing Our New Gourmet Supermarkets

The demand for quality and healthy food keeps trending upward around the world, and Paraguay is no exception. The aspiration for healthier lifestyles and a growing middle class with more disposable income is fuelling the demand for farm fresh produce.

To serve this growing market we launched our own chain of gourmet supermarkets, under the brand name „Granja Direct“ (Farm Direct), with the mission to bring freshly harvested fruit to the table without detours.

This vertical integration of our supply chain also means closer control of our distribution channels (please note that we already hold a controlling stake in one of Paraguay's largest fruit & vegetable wholesalers). This clearly benefits us and our investors in terms of securing the sale of future harvests.

The first stores have now opened in the capital Asunción, where they also offer a home delivery service. Here are some photos:


The fresh in-store produce comes, of course, from our own plantations and vegetable greenhouses, as well as from other dedicated producers (especially many local small farmers). In addition to fresh fruit and vegetables, our gourmet supermarkets offer „healthy fast food“ options such as „mix your own muesli“ or „mix your own salad“, and there are also smoothie and juice bars inside.

Oranges & Orange Lots

In our previous update we mentioned that „orange juice“ has been one of this year's best performing commodities with demand & prices for citrus soaring due changing consumption patterns all over the world.

We also noticed a shift in recent months as more and more investors want to diversify their portfolios into income generating farmland, especially in high-demand healthy crops like oranges.

While our La Colmena plantation sold out last year, we still have orange lots available for private investors on our new Nueva Italia plantation, with prices starting at $18,500 for ½ lot (0.62 acres). Please contact me for availability and more details.

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Juli 2020

Which Has Been the Best Performing Commodity this Year?

Most of you will probably guess it is „gold“. However, it actually is „orange juice“ which has been the best performing commodity of the year so far. By mid July orange juice futures had gone up by as much as 35% for the year, when gold was nearing a rise of 25% over the same period.

Seeing gold increase over the recent months is no surprise as the yellow metal always puts on a strong performance during economic and political uncertainty.

However the ideal pandemic hedge has come from orange juice, which has seen its demand soar because of its status as a natural product to boost the immune system due to the vitamin C. Consumers have also resorted to substituting fresh fruit with orange juice, as it can be stocked up during a time when people try to shop and be in public places less frequently.

On the supply side, adverse conditions in Brazil (one of the major global producers) has also supported the rising price.

We're currently the 3rd largest citrus producer in Paraguay. If you've carefully read our brochure or website, then you'll be aware that Paraguay currently imports 85% of its oranges (mostly from Brazil) and that all our our oranges were already destined for the local market. In recent months we've not just seen a rise in local wholesale prices but we've also become the preferred supplier for several wholesalers and retailers who used to import their oranges. This is obviously great news for us and our investors, and our future orange harvests are now pre-sold many months ahead.

Orange Lots – Special Offers

We still have orange lots available on our Nueva Italia plantation, where the land is already prepared and ready for your saplings to be planted. Prices start at $18,500 for ½ lot (0.62 acres) and for a limited period we're offering discounts on multiple lot purchases. Please contact me to receive a copy of the full ROI projections for these special deals.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=“1/6″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=“1/6″][/vc_column][vc_column width=“2/3″][vc_column_text]

Juni 2020

Diversify and Protect your Retirement Plan with Agricultural Real Estate in Paraguay

If you’ve watched any financial news in recent months, you'll have been reminded of the volatility of the stock market and the potential of wild market swings.

From February to March 2020, the S&P 500 index dropped 34% on global fears of the Coronavirus outbreak. This was the largest drop since the 2008 financial crises during which the S&P 500 lost approximately 50% of its value.

Nevertheless, most U.S. investors seem to be happy to invest all their retirement funds and life savings in the stock market. And while the stock market may again be nearing previous all-time highs, you know it could collapse at any moment …unless you really believe that:

  • the current stock market valuations are a real reflection of the current state of the US economy
  • the US government will keep on printing money indefinitely
  • consumer spending will go up again straight away to pre Coronavirus crisis levels
  • maximum levels of unemployment will have no impact on the stock market

And if the worst happens, and all your assets are stocks, your entire nest egg could go up in smoke.


Do you think having your entire retirement tied to any single asset class or financial system is a safe strategy?

Of course not, and that is why smart investors diversify and protect their retirement plan by investing in solid income generating assets, such as agricultural real estate, instead of just paper-based stocks.

Why Invest in Agricultural Real Estate?

  • Returns on farm produce are not correlated with the financial markets (even during economic downturns people need and buy food).
  • Investments in agricultural real estate provide an excellent hedge against inflation.
  • Agriculture tends to be a secure and constantly rising market because of the continuous growing demand for food versus limited supply.

We offer investors proven turn-key agricultural investments that will diversify, internationalize and protect their retirement plans while increasing their savings.

You can own lots of an orange plantation or own a vegetable greenhouse in Paraguay (contact us for pricing and availability). These passive investment opportunities have the following benefits:

  • You own a hard, physical asset (your registered lot of land and/or greenhouse).
  • You receive an excellent ROI from the income generated from the crops grown on your land or in your greenhouse (projected annual ROI up to 32% for the orange plantation and up to 27% for the greenhouses).
  • You invest in a country, Paraguay, with a stable growing economy, and easy access to low cost energy and labour.
  • Your produce is sold on the local market where most of the current demand is met by imports (so there's no dependency on exports or global supply chains).
  • The main risks are mitigated and covered by insurance; the premiums are included in the purchase price.
  • Your investment is managed by private German company with 25 years’ experience in Paraguay.

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Juni 2020

Paraguay Back to Business as Usual

Life and business in Paraguay is close to being back to normal. The country has been praised by many foreign observers for the way in which they handled the Coronavirus crisis. For a country of about 7 million people, they recorded 1,187 Covid-19 cases and only 11 deaths.

They were also one of the first countries to start easing lockdown measures as the government allowed many businesses to reopen from May 4th. Overall the crisis has had very little impact on the productivity of our plantations, while the demand for our produce has increased.

Flights to and from Paraguay are resuming slowly as well. We're therefore hoping to resume our orange & greenhouse plantation tours again in the near future.



All the citrus saplings for our Nueva Italia plantation are due to arrive this month from Brazil. They're currently being held in agricultural quarantine at the border (which is standard practice to ensure no plant pests enter the country). Once these 155,000 saplings arrive at the plantation, planting will start on the already cleared and prepared land.

The Coronavirus crisis has demonstrated that investments in agriculture real estate are not correlated with the financial markets as people still buy food (especially healthy and vitamin rich fruits & vegetables). However, it has also shown the importance of having a strong local demand for your produce, since shipping lines can get disrupted which has led to several farmers losing produce as containers get stuck at ports or borders.

Because 85% of oranges and 80% of vegetables in Paraguay are usually imported from neighbouring countries, local demand for our produce was already high. This crisis has only solidified our position as one of the countries‘ leading orange and fresh vegetable growers (with future harvests now sold out months in advance).

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